

Well-known member
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Aug 12, 2005
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Kerry Ireland
I got one of them bulletins at work this week; you know the stuff - a pile of poo. This one made me smile but I hope whoever writes it does not take it seriously. I paraphrase slightly but it goes like this: -

The key stakeholder groups have got “buy in” and “hands on” support for the pace of change while up-skilling on stategic analysis. They are capacity building towards a high impact, value added significant change process, tailored to the needs of the individual. Balanced communication is critical while going forward in a learning way.

I'm still smiling but am unsure what it means, going forward of course. Whats that smell...................s*i*e.
Sounds familiar. We got something similiar a couple of years ago when a number of colleges merged to create a "super college" :rolleyes:

Wait until they put it into action :blast

There is one of the lads that I work with who constantly uses a saying which I think should cover this one...

"The Job's F***ed Lads"

Sounds familiar. We got something similiar a couple of years ago when a number of colleges merged to create a "super college" :rolleyes:

Wait until they put it into action :blast


Mmm , I find this increasingly common as a way of a barrier in language between workers and cold management speak.........:mad:

You must of heard of this, but makes me smile in meetings


Nighty night:D

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