Seaside rideout this Sunday 24th August


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May 11, 2008
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Well it looks like we're in for a weekend where it might be dry!

I thought it would be a larf to retrace the road ride I led from the Hograost which followed a very circuitious route from Berkshire down through the south downs and ending up at a beach somewhere near Chichester.

Where we hit the beach there is a greasy spoon cafe and an Ice cream parlour, so the idea is to meet up at the Texaco/Somerfield petrol station in Hungerford at 10:15am in order to be ready for a 10:30am departure with a full tank of fuel.

Take a meandering route from there down to the beach - maybe 2 hours or so - approx 80 miles (I think) - all on-road - no knobblies needed - arrive at the beach, bacon sarnie / cup of tea / ice cream, then different (but still picturesque) route back from where we came.

Arrive back in the Newbury / Hungerford area sometime between 3pm and 4pm and go our separate ways.

I will keep an eye on the weather charts and if it turns out it's going to rain heavily we'll call it off, so keep an eye on this thread. Do post your interest here, and I hope to see some of you this Sunday.

The Texaco garage we meet at is at this postcode RG17 0EP so type this into Google maps to find it, but basically it's one of two petrol stations on the A4 at Hungerford.

If you have any questions, please email me on
Sorry folks - I've caught some sort of flu bug and I'm feeling like shite - I'm going to have to cancel - hope to reschedule for a few weeks' time
Got my bikini out ready.:(
get well soon.:thumb2
i popped in at the V twin rally at Fordingbridge:thumb.
then on to poole quay :thumb met Vendome 41 at the quay :thumb2
his 1997 1100 has some miles on it 250k miles :eek::)
then home via blandford,salisbury,stone henge,hungerford,:thumb
NO RAIN :aidan
Nice days riding. R1150GS :bow:bow
Gert bedin you know Steve and Sue Pocock (my brother-in-law and Sister)?

grt bedun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is a big place you know.
it's got a pub,shop,and even a railway station :augie
ow nearly for got A trug shop.:D:D;)


  • trug-004.jpg
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That would explain the doppler effect I heard whilst experiencing some sort of blurring in my peripheral vision, followed by slight buffeting as the two airflows met. Denise missed you though, she had nodded off owing to the, ahem, smothness of my riding. :D
That would explain the doppler effect I heard whilst experiencing some sort of blurring in my peripheral vision, followed by slight buffeting as the two airflows met. Denise missed you though, she had nodded off owing to the, ahem, smothness of my riding. :D

Denise only told me the other day, than she always nodds of with you in all types of riding :eek::D:D;)
woooooooooooooooooooooooosh that was me ;)
what is smothness!!!!!!!!! must be an oop north word :augie
Denise only told me the other day, than she always nodds of with you in all types of riding :eek::D:D;)
woooooooooooooooooooooooosh that was me ;)
what is smothness!!!!!!!!! must be an oop north word :augie

As "nodds of" must be a Southern one. :augie
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Gert bedin you know Steve and Sue Pocock (my brother-in-law and Sister)?
Bleedin' hell Andrew - they live two doors away from us!

I have in the past been round to admire Steve's V8 Morgan (what a great noise that makes) and his Austin 7 (or whatever that ancient thing is). Before we had our cat put down, it used to spend a lot of time in their garden.

Steve used to have a big collection of old motocross bikes but I think he's stopped them now. He runs the 4x4 service garage in Newbury.

Tell 'em you know Philip = that's me ;)

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