Speedferries £50 any date/length of trip

Tim Cullis

Scotland lover
UKGSer Subscriber
Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Putney, London and the Altiplano de Granada
All bookings in October at http://www.speedferries.com cost £50 for any date from now through end 2005 and for any length of trip, including bikes and cars with up to six passengers. You can also book 'blind' with some future date and amend it when you know when you are going for a £10 admin fee (provided the departure isn't sold out). There's also 25,000 £25 tickets going which are limited to 25 hours in France.

They land in Boulogne. Used them last year and happy to recommend.


Can only agree with the recommendation. We travelled with them in August (by car) and were more than happy with the service. The first trip of the day Dover to Boulogne does take 10 minutes longer than advertised though - they apparently need to warm up the engines before taking it to the red line.

They are non-smoking ferries - smokers have to stand outside - and you do not have as many facilities/shops/pubs as P&OStena etc. - in my view that is a bonus anyway.

Can't believe that they are now taking bikes as well - in August they were still refusing to do it - could not understand that one seeing that the SpeedCat they use has tie downs all over the place.

We will be travelling exclusively with them in the future (unless Spain calls) because I am sick and tired of being ripped off by P&OStena just because I do not travel to the continent just for a day trip.

Just be warned, if the crossing is too rough for the Cat, you get sent to Calais for a Sea France Ferry. Had a big fight with them earlier this year, they cancelled our ferry (for 3 days) then I rang up, they said yep, no problems, turned up at Bolounge sur mer, and got sent to Calais. When I queried the fact that they had told me there were no problems, they said there werent any, because we had a space arranged on the Sea France ferry some two hours later. Apparently they do not consider this a problem and therefore do not inform you until you arrive at the dock.
Has anyone taken a bike on SpeedFerries or any other cat? Any problems?

I haven't used a ferry for a while now choosing to use the Eurotunnel for the last two years.

£50 is a big saving on the £90 that Eurotunnel currently want and we're seriously tempted.

Adam :)
adamski49 said:
Has anyone taken a bike on SpeedFerries or any other cat? Any problems?

I haven't used a ferry for a while now choosing to use the Eurotunnel for the last two years.

£50 is a big saving on the £90 that Eurotunnel currently want and we're seriously tempted.

Adam :)

Used a few different Cats...Irish Sea and the Channel....never a problem...;)


coolcarbon said:
Used a few different Cats...Irish Sea and the Channel....never a problem...;)



Me too, irish and english channels no problem, there is also something a lot more romantic about crossing the channel by sea.

Its not as quick but you can sit down and have a drink etc...

I'll be on the speed ferry thingy next week, but in the car...
Thanks CC & Richie, sounds promising.

I take it they use proper tie down straps and all I need is a piece of old rag to throw over the saddle.

I tend to agree that the sea crossing has something about it but it's hard to beat the ease of the train.

adamski49 said:
I take it they use proper tie down straps and all I need is a piece of old rag to throw over the saddle.

Yep, always used the proper straps.....


Speedferries documentary

Email received from Speedferries



This Tuesday, the 18th January, at 9:50 pm, BBC TWO is broadcasting a 40 minutes documentary on SpeedFerries. The show is part of the "Trouble at the Top" series.

As the BBC has been filming many times throughout 2004 on the Dover-Boulogne service, and during this time hundreds of customers have asked SpeedFerries to be informed when the program would be on the air. Accordingly, we are now forwarding this information.

I thank you for helping us to establish this brand new low cost ferry concept by travelling with us.

Curt Stavis
Chief Executive Officer

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