Todays Daily Telegraph Crossword

I presume you mean the cryptic crossword.

2d - Strain on the toilet at sea? Fool

I think it is Jarhead but I need to do 1 across to confirm the J.

1a - Resort putting foot down on drug reform (8-6)
I presume you mean the cryptic crossword.

2d - Strain on the toilet at sea? Fool

I think it is Jarhead but I need to do 1 across to confirm the J.

1a - Resort putting foot down on drug reform (8-6)

But I would guess that 1a is an anagram and there ain't a J in there.
It's rather difficult not seeing the actual crossword and also trying to work out which of the posts above are genuine clues.
Well not difficult, impossible really.
But maybe there's an idea here for a new section.
But I would guess that 1a is an anagram and there ain't a J in there.
It's rather difficult not seeing the actual crossword and also trying to work out which of the posts above are genuine clues.
Well not difficult, impossible really.
But maybe there's an idea here for a new section.

What a dork! :blast Of course 2d is airhead and 1a is Stamping Ground - DOH! finished now :clap - onto the Sudoku:D

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