Top case


Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Guildford , Surrey
Has anyone fitted an ally top case to their HP2? If so, what was the case and how was it fitted? Did the sub frame need bracing etc.

Am looking for something like the Metal mule small top case but they dont do a mounting kit for HP2.

I have seen the the Vario that someone fitted to a MM but not convinced that there is enough strength in the sub frame

Any suggestions gratefully received!!

Just asked the same question , some answers on that thread.


What do you need to carry? Have you thought about just fitting something like a large Pelicase to a luggae plate ?

Have thought of that but cant find a square box type one at the moment. And what luggae plate and how to fix it is the next question. Ideally i would like to be able to remove it easily without the need for spanners etc.
I am still not convinced the HP2 subframe can take much/any weight at all on the back. One large bump with a bit of upwards flex and snap there goes the lot :eek :eek

Have come up with the perfect solution, carry less stuff :D

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