Zega flex

Phil W

Registered user
Jul 6, 2008
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Been looking at pannier threads and in the end I read and get confused at whats best.
I have seen these zega flex and look really good for the amount of times I need them.
Thing is can they be mounted to an 1150 GSA without them getting burnt by a remus. Do you mount them on touratech own frames or could they be mounted to a cheaper givi frame
Well I guess no one has used these panniers then. I need to carry extra and also with a pillion so I dont want to take up the rear seat with a large bag.

I am not going to africa so I think the touratech stuff in alli although very nice and smart are very expensive.
Have thought the gobi panniers with hepco and becker mounts maybe reasonable. Anybody had any experiance of these on the GSA 1150

Maybe I may just go cheaper option and go for Oxford fabric panniers that are for sport bikes so may not get burnt by the remus. Im sure I saw some on a GSA not so long ago
Like these maybe. Think I need advice:blast

hi phil a few of us have used oxford panniers,various types on 1150 and 1200 gs's . with remus's . No problems they are tough ,i came off doing about 50mph and there was minimal damage. they were the biggest type?. sorry no info on the zega flex.

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