1100GS High Pitched Humming Sound???


Registered user
Aug 22, 2005
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London, England
Can anyone tell me what the high pitched humming sound might be that has just begun to happen after I start the back up when the ABS is engaged and as I am driving along, it seems to be coming from under the tank, more on the right hand side than the left. Bike is an 1100GS 97 model.

Any help with this much appreciated.

sounds like it's probably the fuel pump. does it get less if you fill the tank?

if so, nothing to worry about.
Yep, probably the fuel pump. Also the noise gets much louder when the fuel filter is old (clogged) so the pump has more load, replacing the fuel filter every 30Kkm or sooner is well worth it IMO.
thanks chaps
I will fill up and see, the whole fuel pump/gauge unit was replaced recently so I hope there isn't a major problem there.

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