Autocom 7 pin DIN headset pin outs


Registered user
Apr 1, 2005
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To the East of the Dear Green Place
Can someone confirm that the following is correct

7 Pin DIN headset plug looking at the back of the plug with the polarity stub upwards the 1 pin to the right and going clockwise

1- left spk ground
2- Mic +
3- Auto on ?
4- screen ground
5-left spk +
6- right spk +
7- right spk ground

I was looking to make up a short lead for a friend so he can connect his MP3 directly into the helmet plug of his Autocom headset, so basically I'm connecting 1,5,6,7 to the appropriate 3.5mm stereo jack connections

cheers for any pointers
Okies the plug is wired as the below

Green Left Speaker -
Red Mic +
Yellow Auto on/sidecar mic
Screen Ground
White Speaker left +
Black Speaker Right+
Blue Speaker Right -

Or if you want a diagram email at work and I can forward you a PDF

Guys I would be a bit wary of the above pdf file as I connected the stereo common to both Green/Blue and speaker 1 to White Speaker 2 to Black using the guide in the above pdf and it didn't work, so unsure if the diagram is correct or the reference to solder side is correct, till I come back from my holidays I can't check it out to fault find as it's my buddys helmet.

If anybody could comfirm the diagram and what way round the connection the connections are refering and if it actually the helemet end or the Autcom unit flying lead
roddy, if you you follow my post and work from the green anti clockwise this will show you how our plugs are wired up. The green is the first pin to the right of the locating notch on the main din plug itself.

Rich :beerjug:
Thanks for that Rich, I found out why it didn't work, I was being a muppet the diagram is for the helemet flying lead and I was making up the female connecting lead and forgot the pin outs would be reversed so instead of connecting to the speakers I've connected to Mic & Auto ON.

So it looks like to Diagram is okay it was me being an edjit

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