Autocom glitch

(RIP) Tunneruk

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UKGSer Subscriber
Jun 7, 2007
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Hi Guys,
I have a Super Avi Pro duo which I have to say is an ace bit of kit. I have mt Ipod connected to it and my TomTom via bluetooth. Everything works perfectly with the exception of one thing.
I have my Phone paired to my TomTom which up until about 2 weeks ago worked perfectly. Now, If I recieve a phonecall I get a nice loud ringtone in my ear and the number up on the screen, Smashing. However when I answer the phone I can't hear anything. A collegue called me on my way into work yesterday and it was the same story. He (being in the nice quiet office) could just faintly hear me shouting "Hello hello" but obviously whilst on the bike I could hear nothing from his end. I've tried all the associated re-pairing of all the deviced etc with no effect.
I'm at a loss as to what to do now?
Hi Guys,
I have a Super Avi Pro duo which I have to say is an ace bit of kit. I have mt Ipod connected to it and my TomTom via bluetooth. Everything works perfectly with the exception of one thing.
I have my Phone paired to my TomTom which up until about 2 weeks ago worked perfectly. Now, If I recieve a phonecall I get a nice loud ringtone in my ear and the number up on the screen, Smashing. However when I answer the phone I can't hear anything. A collegue called me on my way into work yesterday and it was the same story. He (being in the nice quiet office) could just faintly hear me shouting "Hello hello" but obviously whilst on the bike I could hear nothing from his end. I've tried all the associated re-pairing of all the deviced etc with no effect.
I'm at a loss as to what to do now?

If it was working before then obviously somethings either broke or come disconnected, Check the microphobe cable has not come unplugged in your helmet loom. (I've had that happen and so a distinct possibility).

If all the wiring is exactly as before, have a word with Autocom, they might be able to sort you out.
Are you sure it's not the TomTom?

I'm having the same problem (among others) and am starting to get pretty annoyed with the TomTom's unreliability.:mad:

Try resetting the TomTom completely & re-pairing your devices.
Well it could be the TomTom I guess. I'll have a go at resetting the whole lot today and see how it goes. I'm buggered if I can remember the codes to pair the devices up though without going up in the loft to dig the box out:blast
To see what is actually causing the problem, try your phone direct to the BT dongle to see if it is our side of the set up causing the problem or indeed the TomTom itself. One thing I will say though is that our dongles have got a very very low failure rate.

Rich :beerjug:
To see what is actually causing the problem, try your phone direct to the BT dongle to see if it is our side of the set up causing the problem or indeed the TomTom itself. One thing I will say though is that our dongles have got a very very low failure rate.

Rich :beerjug:

Hi Rich, we spoke briefly on the phone on Tuesday, I have the humblest of humble pies to eat and after considerable testing (and not one but two new phone handsets) I have by a process of elimination discovered that the fault lay with my TomTom.
My phone connects to the Autocom dongle a treat and is very reliable.

Is the Autocom BT dongle capable of connecting to two devices at the same time (ie phone connected directly to Autcom and TomTom connected at the same time?)
If so are there any drawbacks?
Lol no probs at all mate, our dongles hardly ever really cause us any problems.......when they do its people not reading the instructions and not doing the pairing processess correctly :blast

Im kind of glad you are making progress and its not really our fault though. Have you done an update on the TomTom at all? The reason for asking is that we had a chappie ring the other day that updated his software on his GPS and this made his phone not work at all. He then went back to the older softeware and job done phone back working :nenau

On our Bluetooth's they can only be paired with one device at a time, unfortunately they are are not clever enough to recognise multipul pairings

Rich :beerjug:
Agree with all of the above - same thing exactly has happened to me since updating my TomTom software to 7.53. I have posted a thread in the TomTom section regarding this.

Autocom seems to be very reliable, TomTom very unreliable I'm afraid.

Now got my phone paired directly to the BT dongle which works fine for accepting incoming calls but means I have no usdio from my TomTom and also have to stop, take my phone, gloves off etc every time I want to make call which rather defeats the object of at least one of my reasons for getting the TomTom.

I don't think it's possible to connect 2 devices to the BT dongle is it?
If you have the same problem as ANTS it may be to do with the new update, which came out on 24th April. It may be worth checking your Tomtom operating system, and if you have the 7.540 version, try going back to the 6.52 (I think that's the one I have).

Apart from the unit power switching on and off automatically with the ignition, there was nothing for me in the update anyway.


Depends what you want really - I'm going to try running with the new TomTom software for a while and see if I really miss the TomTom sound ( the Panzer tank where I used to have just a plain old arrow is too cool to get rid of:P)

Hopefully TomTom will update their software soon to add support for other phones (although I think losing support for phones that were supported in a previous version is incredibly sloppy!). Not holding out any great hopes though - TomTom's software update cycle seems particularly slow:mad:
I have the same problem, is it right that you can't have your phone and the tomtom paired on the same bt dongle? if so, do you have to have 2 dongles (lot of dongles here) or just delete the tom tom from the bt system and rely on the phone and autocom only? I too can recieve calls on screen, the caller can hear me fine but there voice is a tiny sound on the phone!!!!!!!!!!
In all honesty the problem started before I updated the TomTom, I've tried two different phones and the problem is exactly the same with both. What is frustrating the hell out of me is that 6 months ago when I bought the Tomom I paired everything up and it all worked perfectly.............for 5 months. Then I get this problem all of a sudden. I've had an email conversation with TomTom who keep repeating that my phone is not supported. WELL IT WORKED JUST FINE FOR 5 MONTHS!

I've paired both my phone and TomTom to the Autocom and I may be very much mistaken here but I think the TomTom is connected as a priority but when the phone rings it disconnects while I take the call then when the call is finished the TomTom re-connects itself. I've yet to try this out in a real world situation so stand to be corrected. In fact I'm off to try it now .................
Well I was totally wrong about that one so back to the drawing board! I had another go at pairing it all up and called my mobile. The TomTom disconnects and reconnects every half a second or so rather than just maintaining constant bluetooth signal. It's so frustrating!:spitfire:spitfire:spitfire:spitfire
Yep mine does exactlty the same, conected/disconected, then conected, then disconected!!!!!!!!!!!! If any of you live in orpington, kent, then look out soon for a flying tomtom unit!!!!!!!Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
It might be waterproof but is it WALL PROOF!
lockdoc you have such fun with all this technolgy!!!:mcgun
Don't bin it just yet, I'll pop up and we can have a tinker!
I'm off for a couple of days so if my kit dries out from this
mornings ride home I'll pop over
Sid :beer::beer:

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