BMW’s warped/vibrating brake disc fix


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Feb 21, 2003
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Warped discs have been raised on here a couple of times in the passed so I thought I might be useful if I posted these pictures of the recently fixed brakes on my 1200RT

My bike started to develop vibration on the front brake lever at around 4000 miles; at first it was only apparent at 60mph + speeds with extended brake applications (like when braking coming down out of mountains)

By 8000 miles the vibration was much worse and apparent at all speeds. It took a while getting the parts, but this is what was fitted by my local dealer just before the warranty ran out (sorry, no part numbers). The new discs most definitely now float on the mountings and can be pushed from side to side by a couple of millimetres. Proper floating discs, lovely!

This view needs little explanation, noticeable is the larger washer under the Torx screw.

A much more telling side view shows the edges of a special spring washer between the disc and its mountings (bronze colored) also noticeable is the disc material has been milled out to allow for the new fittings.

View from the back, showing the uncovered edge of the spring washer

The front brake now seems better than when the bike was new, the brake no longer seems to want to snatch and grab, the brake just seems much more gentle in operation, so far I’m very impressed, the bikes transformed, I just hope it stays this good.
Looks good ebbo. How did you come across it? was it a dealer idea, BMW recall mod or did you sort it yourself? I`ve been hearing about such a mod for a few months now but this is the first time I`ve seen one.
Mine also juggs a bit when I break, but until now it not much, and only at very low speeds.

One thing which I don't understand, how can it be that BMW isn't using floating disks, and another thing, would it be possible to use floating disks on a R12GS?

Looks good ebbo. How did you come across it? was it a dealer idea, BMW recall mod or did you sort it yourself? I`ve been hearing about such a mod for a few months now but this is the first time I`ve seen one.
No, its not a recall, I spoke to my dealer about the problem weeks ago, he offered to replace the discs 'like for like' but we both knew that wouldn't be a permanent fix so waited for the modified parts to become available, took some sourcing I believe, but its a genuine BMW fix.

I thought the GS had similarly mounted discs, and I do know this problem has cropped up on GS’s, but if you have the problem, you’d need to approach your dealer for a fix, Its two modified discs and two sets of mounts, again, sorry, no part numbers

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