GSA Engine bars/Protectors...


Registered user
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Hi all

Was out green laning with Sky God and a mate when I took a tumble (my own learning opportunity! :blast) and in the process managed to significantly bend my 2008 GSA engine bars on the side that went down (nearside).

It was a relatively low-speed impact on soft-ish ground with some harder stuff under the mud, but I was surprised how much they bent.:thedummy

The question is, are other aftermarket bars more able to soak up this abuse without damaging the mounting points?:rolleyes: My concern is that as a result the bar did some minor damage to the protector plate covering the head, and some marks are also visible on the head itself.:eek

Should I just bend it back or replace them with something more able to take this sort of stick given that I'm currently planning on doing more off road work?:augie

Thoughts appreciated. :thumb
Hepco & Becker work for me. Ran mine down a wall and touched them up with silver hammerite.


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