"Oil be Damned! "


Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
May 2, 2007
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Glasgow, Scotland
Yes folks, another oil consumption question.
I have an 1150 GSA with 8.5k on the clock. I was using Castrol 10-40w mineral oil in the bike and it used around 100ml of oil in approx 1,000 miles.
I recently switched to Castrol 20-50w mineral oil. The bike is significantly smoother and much less vibey using this oil. It is however using more. It has used around 250ml in the last 450 miles. Has anyone else noticed increased oil consumption with the 20-50w, or does anyone have an idea why this happens. Off to tour round Yerp this summer and dont want to tow the Exon Valdiz behind me.

thank you in advance you wise GS type people.

1150 GS are known to burn oil to varying degrees in the first few thousand miles. Stick with the mineral oill for another few thousand miles, this (apparently) will allow it to run in properly. Don't fret, mine was much the same. Now on 40000 miles & the last oil I put in was Hein Gericke 10-50 fully synthetic.

I prefer the heravier grade oil, as when mine gets up to 7 bars in heavy traffic it sounds like a bag of nails. I've seen 6 on this oil & it seemed quieter than when on 10-40.

I would comment on the accuracy of the amount of oil it takes to top up, as it does seem to yo yo a bit in the sight glass window.
It is however using more. It has used around 250ml in the last 450 miles.

Is this the first 450 miles since the oil change? Probably just filling all the gaps, and will settle down shortly.

For what it's worth, the 1150 engine takes a looooong time to fully bed in, and mine didn't really stop burning oil till around the 18 000 mark.
At 8.5K its not yet run in properly.20K miles and then the oil consumption improves so get riding.
Keep with SAE 15 or 20/50 API SF/G or later,mineral or semi synth.Fully synth is, imho a waste of money.
Also make sure you understand how you check the oil level properly.
Inacuracies here can give a false impression of usege.
I use 15/50 mineral and at 61K it uses buggerall.:bounce1
Is this the first 450 miles since the oil change? Probably just filling all the gaps, and will settle down shortly.

For what it's worth, the 1150 engine takes a looooong time to fully bed in, and mine didn't really stop burning oil till around the 18 000 mark.

Mines almost stopped burning oil now. It's at 54000 miles...
Oil consumption

Youve got to start riding it, 8000 is not ru n it yet, min's now done 72000 and dosent use oil, it takes quite a few 1000 miles to run it in dont usse synthetic or semi synthetic until youv'e done a lot more miles as this prolongs
the bedding in process. So get out there and get some in!.
dave gs.
Off to tour round Yerp this summer and dont want to tow the Exon Valdiz behind me.

Your in for a shock. Leave your oil at home, Europe now has filling stations and all sorts of outlets where you can purchase all types oil, generally there's more choice than here in the UK. And another plus is the price, 2/3rds or less than you'll pay here.
And most of the natives speak english.
Your in for a shock. Leave your oil at home, Europe now has filling stations and all sorts of outlets where you can purchase all types oil, generally there's more choice than here in the UK. And another plus is the price, 2/3rds or less than you'll pay here.
And most of the natives speak english.


Thanks for the advice chaps.
I realise that they use oil while theu still have low miles. Bit strange that it increased with the new weight of oil.
Welcome to the world of the GS as they say!
Mine has always used oil, but it tends to use very little when riding up in the highlands compared to when I'm going on motorways, if it's hot as well I find that some seeps through the joints. I'll see how it behaves this summer if I'm on 20/50 grade. I should mention it has 107000 miles on the clock, just run in.

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