Old Dell PC with Linux?


Grumpy Ole Git!!!
UKGSer Subscriber
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Islandmagee, Co Antrim NI
having trained on MAcs in the 90s and moved this keek that is windows but being without the funds to justify returning to a MAC

I find myself with a perfectly good hardware and KEEK software i.e. Prone to virus invasion, blue screen crashes (nope I can't read what it says cos it crashes and boots faster than I can stop the screen disappearing)

So with my old Dell dimension 3000 with a new lease of Samsung 2GB DDR PC3200 DDR400 400Mhz 2 GB 2x 1GB PC RAM and a different hard drive (20gb hence I lost my XP pro that I bought it with and had to use an old puters edition and upgrade to SP3

So will If I order or download Ubuntu can I replace the windows XP OS with it?

Any thoughts from the collective
i've used ubuntu and rather rate it as it comes installed, which is with most things you need TBH.

once you step outside of that, everything has to be done from the terminal, which is way too much trouble for me.

give it a go!
So will If I order or download Ubuntu can I replace the windows XP OS with it?

Simple answer;

YES! Go for it, you won't regret it. I've tried a few Linux flavours, but Ubuntu is probably the best of the lot for ease of use and set-up.
my bro suggested i use ubuntu on a laptop, he also suggested something else...but i can't remeber its full name.... was it Go??

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