One for GSrich re. We have done it again!

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Hi Rich

Its a shame that seeing that the Ride review was based on the new about to be launched 08/09 models, that they couldn't, or maybe you could here, make reference to improvements over the previous models, especially as the two models tested seem to carry the same product names as models in the previous line up? Also, will the "new" Active-Duo be the top of the range or were Autocom so secretive that they would only let them test these two models out of the new line-up before its launch?

In my industry when new products are launched reviews appear many months previous to the product actually becoming available, thus giving purchasers the imformed decision as to whether to buy the current models at heavily discounted prices or to wait and pay extra for worthwhile features and advances in any new range.

Why do Autocom have to be so secretive? If it weren't for UKGSer's posts rating the company's product so highly over the competition, I would have long ago given up on my daily battle of do i buy a good proven product now at a greatly discounted price now, or do i wait to buy a better product at a worthwhile premium but with the new model maybe suffering the teething glitches of rushed to production electronic items? The thing is either way Autocom win don't they? They clear a good product at a discount and sell a (hopefully) much better product at a premium

Maybe now that stocks of the previous sale models are low or none existant, Autocom might start to tell us the features of the new models?

I hope I'm not being too cynical in my thoughts but the Ride reviews don't seem to point to any new features and certainly don't mention the word digital?

Terry :mcgun
Terry, it was a genuine mistake on MY behalf and not the companies so I do feel that you are being a bit harsh on this thread and I have already apologised for MY mistake on the original thread if you read it properly. We all make mistakes as we are only human and to be honest I think it is one of the only mistake I have made on this forum form the many 100's of posts I have added to help our cutomers along.

It is NOT in my contract to log onto fourms and help you guys out I do it because Iwant to, if you want to spend a bit of time looking through my old posts you will see that I come on here out of office hours just so I can make sure the correct information is given out ASAP.

I know that I didnt give the correct information out and I was horrified when I first saw the test my msitake yup I put my hands up but please do not make it a bit Autocom problem when it was MY mistake.


Apologies. I have no problem with your mistake at all and apologies again for not seeing your post about that. I do realise that your posts on here are in your own time and I am very grateful that Autocom and UKGS'ers has someone like you around.

I see on here what fantastic support you and Autocom give and that's the thing I'm so impressed with but as I said I do think that Autocom, and not you personally of course, could handle the launch of new products better.

When I ordered my bike in Feb I looked at the sale then and spoke to someone on the phone at Autocom who said the new model would be out in May so was thinking then do I buy now or wait till May. I took the decision to wait for the new model, the sale ended, I took delivery of my GSA at the start of May, waited, waited, waited and then by August / October still no new model but then another sale before the new model in November! So I had to think again, old / current proven model at a fantastic discount or new model at a more expensive, but worthwhile price?

As I said in previous posts I just think that if Autocom previewed the new models whilst the sale is / was on, it would still clear the old / current stock at the fantastic discounts but give its customers a more informed choice and even more satisfied customer :) Other companies do take this approach successfully :)

Again apologies for any misunderstanding about my previous posts as they certainly weren't meant to be in any way personal against GSRich.

Cheers, Terry

No problems at all, the main reason we have held back on the new products/systems is that at the beginning of the year when they were due to be released we found that we were struggling to make our systems better than our current range. So we all needed time to sit down and think what we can do and also spend a bit longer testing the products. So as we speak we are working very very hard to get the systems ready for the NEC bike show later on next month.

I am sure when you all see what our systems will do you will all be very impressed and will know the wait has definately been worth it, as this is what we feel here after hearing and testing them over the last year or so.

As I have said in my previous posts when people have asked what are the changes, I would love to give you all a sneak preview but as I know our competitors also keep an eye on the forum. So I really do not want to give the game away. I could also lose my job as part of my contract is to keep any information secret and not tell anyone who is not based here in Warwick a thing.

Rich :beerjug:
It is NOT in my contract to log onto fourms and help you guys out I do it because Iwant to, if you want to spend a bit of time looking through my old posts you will see that I come on here out of office hours just so I can make sure the correct information is given out ASAP.

Indeed, and long may it continue Rich. Thank-you. :thumb2

Thanks for understanding!

and your second paragraph in your last reply to my last post above is all I needed to hear! I'm more than happy now to wait and as soon as the new models are released my GSA will be with you in Warwick for factory fitting :) and of course I'll be buying you a beer!


just reading this... I got back from France in September... having decided after many a boring mile on the peage that I needed an autocom...

After reading all the posts on here, including the fab and very very quick advice you give, I decided to take advantage of the Autocom offer...

ace product, ace support and an ace company :clap:clap:clap

Long may it continue...

Huge thanks again :thumb


just reading this... I got back from France in September... having decided after many a boring mile on the peage that I needed an autocom...

After reading all the posts on here, including the fab and very very quick advice you give, I decided to take advantage of the Autocom offer...

ace product, ace support and an ace company :clap:clap:clap

Long may it continue...

Huge thanks again :thumb


+1 :thumb

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