stolen recovered 1150 repair help?


Registered user
Sep 30, 2008
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SW Scotland
Hi guys,

Finally picked up the gs yesterday as a stolen recovered, damn it was heavy lifting that thing into the van! (no ramp)

anyways it looks alot worse than it did in the pictures but nothing too serious, could do with some help with the following though, any help would be appreciated! :)

l/h ht lead cap, never ever done any work on ht leads, its snapped in half, can i replace just the lead or is it attached to the coil pack permanently?

rocker covers, ok how the hell do you get out the rocker cover bolts??!!

the classic one, i was going over it for an hour but bugger me can i not figure out how to get the riders seat off, got the pillion one off, but the front one?? There are 2 additional locks on the rear of the bike, the rear seat one and the one on the right hand side with the helmet latch, is it this one? only i was trying to turn it the other way and it went solid and didnt want to snap the only key.

Other than that, problems are :-

some t*** cut the ignition key wires off... and really short so thats going to be a fun job

the rear tyre valve has tried to be repaired with a tie wrap, zipped around it.... nice

front beak, cockpit, screen, headlights, are all pretty mashed up... but i think i can rescue the beak with some cunningness.... and the cockpit maybe... if i buy a plastic welder

handlebars are corroded to buggery so i have a new set of fatbars to go on, just need to get those conversion kits

otherwise its mainly just some corrosion on bolts and stuff... the actualy paint of the bike is pretty much immaculate... even though its been sat in a garden for 2 years!!!! unmoved!!! There was mould and stuff all over it, quick jet wash and it looks really nice.


If anyone could help me out with any of the above, i would appreciate it. I really want to get the seat off so i can get to the battery and get the bloody thing started (hopefully!)

And if anyone has any spares that they want to get rid of for the bits that i need , let me know.

oh and i need a l/h rear passenger peg assembly too!

Cheers guys

Hmmm ...

The seat lock is the one on the near side, you'll need to turn it at the same time as raising the rear of the front seat squab. ISTR the rear release is one way and the front the other way !

Which bolts are you referring too as being difficult ? The rocker covers are quite only 6nm or so, If they're tight then try 'tapping' them first; wiv a hammer and drift but they're only spindly ! They are retained in the cover by a robber bung arrangement.

The ignition switch wiring is (I think) a seperate loom so may not be the big job you fear, just trace it down to the main harness and replace.

Might have a footrest hanger somewhere :augie
:D you could be my hero! (though not in some strange groupie way!)

Its the main rocker cover retaining bolts that i mean yeah, i got the cover off and everything but can you get them out to re use them on other rocker covers? The ones on it are cracked so i acquired some others but they have no bolts or grommets in them and try as i might with a vice and some mole grips, i couldnt get the little swines out. Is there some little trick to this? Im new to working on the bm's

Ahhh, a seperate loom could help me out, once i get the seat off to get the tank off... itll be alot easier to repair at least... a warm kitchen table rather than freezing my bum off in the garage!

I was doing the wrong thing with the seat, i was pushing down on it, thinking it was catching or something... ill give it another go when i get back to the garage in a few days!

Thanks for the help :)

If you happen to be able to find that footrest, ill happily cross you palm with paper
Hi guys,

Finally picked up the gs yesterday as a stolen recovered, damn it was heavy lifting that thing into the van! (no ramp)

anyways it looks alot worse than it did in the pictures but nothing too serious, could do with some help with the following though, any help would be appreciated! :)

l/h ht lead cap, never ever done any work on ht leads, its snapped in half, can i replace just the lead or is it attached to the coil pack permanently?

rocker covers, ok how the hell do you get out the rocker cover bolts??!!

the classic one, i was going over it for an hour but bugger me can i not figure out how to get the riders seat off, got the pillion one off, but the front one?? There are 2 additional locks on the rear of the bike, the rear seat one and the one on the right hand side with the helmet latch, is it this one? only i was trying to turn it the other way and it went solid and didnt want to snap the only key.

Other than that, problems are :-

some t*** cut the ignition key wires off... and really short so thats going to be a fun job

the rear tyre valve has tried to be repaired with a tie wrap, zipped around it.... nice

front beak, cockpit, screen, headlights, are all pretty mashed up... but i think i can rescue the beak with some cunningness.... and the cockpit maybe... if i buy a plastic welder

handlebars are corroded to buggery so i have a new set of fatbars to go on, just need to get those conversion kits

otherwise its mainly just some corrosion on bolts and stuff... the actualy paint of the bike is pretty much immaculate... even though its been sat in a garden for 2 years!!!! unmoved!!! There was mould and stuff all over it, quick jet wash and it looks really nice.


If anyone could help me out with any of the above, i would appreciate it. I really want to get the seat off so i can get to the battery and get the bloody thing started (hopefully!)

And if anyone has any spares that they want to get rid of for the bits that i need , let me know.

oh and i need a l/h rear passenger peg assembly too!

Cheers guys


if its bin stood for 2 years without moving or running....engine oil changes before attempting to start it, also brake fluid will be bollixed, if not disks rusted to pads???
plugs out and spray thin machine oil in to lube barrels+ free rings??
its not seized,i know that much, and there is no corrosion in the combustion chamber or underneath the rocker covers.When i took them off today there was even still a slight smearing of oil over all the parts.

ill change the oil and all fluids etc. The discs and pads are amazingly, fine and not rusted on or anything. I think the sheer amount of spiders on/in the thing much have protected it from corrosion!!!!

Being honest I am completely smitten with the fact it took that abuse and was ok from it!

Just ordered a few more spare parts for it. Hopefully should be up and running in the next 2 weeks or so. Its amazing how much cost it is to repair all the little things though. Bloody thieving gypos!
From memory ...

... you just lever the grommets out of the rockers with the bolts in-situ; they come 'out' rather than going in through the rocker. The grommets may split in the process, in which case you'll leak oil, but they're not very expensive.

Is it the hanger you need, or the rubber footrest ?
front beak, cockpit, screen, headlights, are all pretty mashed up...

I've got a beak if you need it; will need spraying to match your colour, but it's complete with no damage.

I don't want anything for it, but you would have to collect.
Hey Carl, ill definetely take that off you if you dont mind mate. Ill give you something for it, its only fair :) I could come over this weekend or in the week. Could you email me at as i havent yet subscribed to this forum (i will do though when funds allow!)

Oblertone, Its the whole l/h hanger and rubber peg assembly i need as for some reason its missing. I tried pulling them but thought they might be a "once they're in they're in" job. Ill lever them out as you suggest.
Check out ...

... this thread as someone is giving away some of the bits you need !
Alass im not subscibed yet, though it is tempting me!

I have some bits and pieces that i might be willing to swap for the parts i need.

And this forum is proving extremely useful for helping me with the repairs. Biting the bullet later i think!

Thanks for pointing out that thread though oblertone :)

Hi i've got a load of original bolts left over from a stainless swap let me know if you need any btw spend the twelve quid for subs it comes back ten fold iykwim
oh i may be in touch mate! I will sort out the subs, i just got fined £40 from the w****** dvla though! which has put me in a spending ggrrrrr ness.

I sent off the form telling them i had exported my old zx6r to poland and they must have chopped the remaining tax in, because theyre saying from the 29/07/08 i didnt declare a sorn. WTF!!! And of course because i sent in the paperwork to them i have no proof of anything. Anyways ill give them some shit tomorrow and try and get away with it.

On a good note, I managed to finally get the buggering seat off the bm, being left out in the rain had seized up the seat release, but after stripping down the rear seat area i managed to force it off, clean up the mech and now it works a treat :D

I even managed to get it to give me a fluttery eye lid from its coma like sleep by hot wiring it and banging the charger on it, the main beam came on and the cockpit lights too.... i think its out of the morgue and into intensive care at the moment... but at least its alive :D

I even managed to completely fix up a piaggio scooter which i brought at the weekend as buggered for £350... to completely brilliant and worth around £1k... so im in a better mood... and the mrs can finally get out on it and tell her parents that she is riding a bike... im going to get murdered haha.

Oh i managed to get those little lights on.. couldnt figure out why nothing else was working.. so checked out the electrical gubbins and.... bugger... every single fuse and relay is missing from under there... arse

still easy enough to sort :D
Hey guys, thought i would put in a pic of how im getting on. Many thanks to everyone that has helped thus far. Its definetely coming along!

yeah it fitted a treat mate! many thanks again for your help :) beers are on me on a meet up! :D I managed to plastic weld the clock and light holder together with some cunning jiggery bodgery (a big fook off 100w soldering iron and some old fairing parts) :)
bugger, just been putting loads of replacement parts on the gs to try and get her started this weekend ... hadnt noticed that the little plastic thingy on the throttle bodies which has the fuel line clipped onto it has been fried in some kind of fire.... I presume its fuel as its rather thick pipe ... it goes on just behind the little electrical clip thing... *being vague as its not infront of me*

Anyone know what it is im looking for? as i obviously need to order a new one and cant seem to find one from motorworks and james sherlock is all in technical mumbo jumbo

Cheers guys

Go to the font of wisdom and find the site with the exploded drawings, should give you a description and part number.
yep its the injector (i think my previous post got deleted for the use of a naughty word... my apologies)

I think the fire damaged the retaining clips etc for it too... contemplating buyer a complete throttle body as its probably easier

The fuel pressure line though... can that be replaced easily enough?

HURRAH!!! my gs is alive... well its sort of breathing anyways, got everything installed and it happily turns over.. and even gave some farts.. but unfortunately one of the injectors hasnt got a fuel supply as the theiving oiks had set fire to that injector... but the other one works.

I couldnt resist turning it over and ... well it did squirt petrol pretty much everywhere.. but a few coughs made me cheer up no end!

Just need to get the ignition lead off the ignition switch... that little screw at the bottom is teeny tiny and i didnt have a small enough screwdriver.



~GO paul... its your birthday... go paul~

haha... im very happy with it, it was blooming slippy out and about though!

The neutral light even sorted itself out on the short test ride! SWISH!
It now starts straight away, no funny noises, doesnt explode or anything

Just a few small issues left :-

Not happy about the fuel line on the r/h injector, I had to cut it back as it was damaged and i only managed to get it half way on... bit scary....

Oil leak from the l/h cylinder, i think its the circular gasket as i reused that and the oil seems to be coming from around there... i think. Going to replace both gaskets like i should have done first time around.

The main plastic bit at the front that holds the headlight in place etc seems to have been plastic welded in the wrong place as i dont have enough adjustment to get the beam low enough. Damn... ill have to cut it and re weld it. There were bits missing from it so i kinda had to guess.

New rev counter to be fitted as the other one is a bit battered.

Get the hid balast hidden away

Get a new digital display thingy.

Thats it though! should be mot'd maybe next weekend?

Rides a treat though, quite quick, pulls like a train.... i love it!

Total cost so far - £1700!:clap

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