We began the journey at Newcastle coming from various different parts of UK and Ireland. We got the ferry to Bergen, Norway arriving very late at night so we stayed in a hostel and began our trip through Norway the following morning.
Originally we had planned a trip to the Arctic Circle in Norway then go across Sweden into Finland, down to Helsinki, ferry to Talinn and home through Europe but on the ferry to Bergen we decided that it would be a shame to go as far as the Arctic Circle and not go to Nordkapp.
By adding approx 50 miles per day we figured we could do the extra.
It was sunny and warm, bout 18 degrees in Bergen as we headed off. Within 30 minutes we had pulled in to put neck warmers, gloves etc on, close all air vents in jackets as it was bleedin' freezin'.
We went over the highest mountain range in Scandanavia that day. The walls of snow either side of the road were up to 12 feet high in places.
We hadn't booked any accommodation in advance but had no problem finding it in these hyttes. Only £100-120 per night, between 4/5 of us it was cheap as chips!
There were 2 bedrooms and a bathroom and kitchen in the hyttes and all the ones we stayed in were clean and everything worked well ie showers
Day 2 - We visited Tronheim Cathedral. It was beautiful. The crown jewels are kept in the building beside the cathedral, well worth a look.
Originally we had planned a trip to the Arctic Circle in Norway then go across Sweden into Finland, down to Helsinki, ferry to Talinn and home through Europe but on the ferry to Bergen we decided that it would be a shame to go as far as the Arctic Circle and not go to Nordkapp.
By adding approx 50 miles per day we figured we could do the extra.
It was sunny and warm, bout 18 degrees in Bergen as we headed off. Within 30 minutes we had pulled in to put neck warmers, gloves etc on, close all air vents in jackets as it was bleedin' freezin'.
We went over the highest mountain range in Scandanavia that day. The walls of snow either side of the road were up to 12 feet high in places.
We hadn't booked any accommodation in advance but had no problem finding it in these hyttes. Only £100-120 per night, between 4/5 of us it was cheap as chips!
There were 2 bedrooms and a bathroom and kitchen in the hyttes and all the ones we stayed in were clean and everything worked well ie showers

Day 2 - We visited Tronheim Cathedral. It was beautiful. The crown jewels are kept in the building beside the cathedral, well worth a look.