1150gs high screen or adventure screen ?


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May 13, 2008
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Hi I have an 1150gs 2003, Thinking of changing the screen but dont know which one to fit, There is one on motorworks that is taller than the standard on by 3 inches , or should I fit an adventure screen.
How tall is the adventure screen and will I need any additional brackets ?
All answers greatly received.. thanks.. :beerjug:
Taller screen

I put a TT screen extender on my standard screen and it was great, but too high as in rain it would not allow the rain drops to be blown off my visor. These are adjuastable so with a bit of fiddling it would probably be ok.
Wunderlich do a good screen both a bit higher and wider have had two of these but being a bit wider if the bike falls of the stand or the rider it hits the deck and splits!! £100 plus up in smoke!. So went with the TT jobby. It'ds off at the moment but is good but just needs fidding with to adjust it correctly reccomned one of these.
Dave (Abba Fan ) GS.
I have the 1150GSA screen fitted to my standard 2003 1150GS, it is bigger, however I still had to use Tobanators to get it right for me (I'm 6ft and have the seat on the high setting)...

Which ever one you go for you may have to play around to get it just right for you...Good Luck.
Thanks folks for the info , Im kind of leaning towards the adventure screen ,
Bit expensive with the tobinators and all but I think it will have to be .
Now for the shopping to get the right price..
I use a MRA Vario screen supplied by Jaws from this site find it okay and fully adjustable
I use a MRA Vario screen supplied by Jaws from this site find it okay and fully adjustable

yes.. seen them on a LOT of 1150s and have no reason to believe they are any less effective on that bike than my bike... probably the best screen you can buy for the GS.
I've got the Adventure screen on my GS and I find it perfect - you do need the Tobinators, but well worth it for me.

I'm just under 6' and wear a BMW Enduro helmet and it suits me fine 0 no buffeting and I can happily keep my visor open at 80mph
I got a Givi high screen for my 2003 GS from e-bay for the princely sum of 99p - it has stopped the annoying buffeting that I got from the original screen however, I did need to modify the profle of the bottom of the screeen with one of those little grinding tools when fitted to the standard mounting points to stop it catching on the ligh fairing
No need to change the screen to stop wind turbulence bothering you. Slide yourself further back on the seat and then lean backwards letting go of the handlebars. Bring your legs up and you can steer with your feet.
Steer with feet

Steer with the feet................. yeah....tried that but heated hand grips made my feet sweat something terrible..
Your as mad as me you are ..... :thumb2

How tall are you?

I had the stock adventure screen on for a start but found that the taller Wunderlich screen with Tobinators worked best, I am 6 foot two by the way.

The MRA screen looks a good un as well ........

Cheers BB.
Im 5'10" in my socks... so I think that the adventure screen might just fit the bill...
Thanks any way..
I've used various screens over the years. Initially I got an Ermax +3" over std & it worked a treat, but when I fitted an Adv tank, it looked "wrong" so I replaced it with an Adv screen. As others have said, you may want to get some Tobinators for whatever screen you get, so you can tailor it.

This is the Ermax compared to std & it looks great on a std 1150GS, but it looks too slim with the Adv tank.


  • Screens.JPG
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does it matter?

Hi going down the same route replacing screen on my 1150gs (03) and thought i'd give the Adventure screen a go. I already have toninators but not the adv. tobs ones would it matter? sorry to side track a little:augie
...I already have toninators but not the adv. tobs ones would it matter?

Sorry to tell you, Bonnie, but I'm pretty sure that Tobinators are model-specific. The Adv screen's side pods mean the ones for a std screeen won't fit.
I've been down this (expensive) route myself.

Here's the benefit of my experience:

1) 1150 with standard screen is rubbish
2) Taller screen slightly better, but still get buffeting. No great improvement
3) ADV screen needs (expensive) extra side mounts. This is an improvement but no adjustments possible. Didn't work for me. (I still have the side mounts...)
4) Tobinators. Sadly, these are specific to the type of screen you have, but happily they allowed for adjustment and the big ADV screen worked well. Hurrah!

5) I know a good few people who went with the MRA vario option and it seems to work for most people.

Don't know if that helps at all - I hope so :thumb2

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