Airhead Porn - NWS

Rob Farmer

Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Feb 25, 2002
Reaction score
Vale of Belvoir

It'll never be the same again, this magic moment when everything is all perfect and new :D

New silencer fitted today. Bike sounds great and runs so much better for a bit of back pressure :beerjug:

Don't forget to fit the remaining bolt and tighten them up:thumb (:augie)

PS Looks great:thumb2
I'd sooner have a standard collector box than a Y piece. £320 for the silencer so a collectors got to wait a bit :(

The pic was halfway through the install. All bolted up properly now :thumb

Matching silencers :cool: Thats the block paving and pointing up out the window for another month :)

Flash is grand :thumb:augie

Never had a girls bike meself...... but then, not all of us can afford to keep repairing airheads........

Not sure if I should mod the above .... I think I'll let you all suffer:augie

Doh.....sorry Kenny, I'd edited them before I scrolled any further and saw yer post.....

Be careful.....some of the airhead section fellas haven't seen anything like that for nigh on half a'll have them in seizures :blast
Click the link :blast

I think you'll find it's some fried eggs and some beef curtains:rob

As for the bike, who knows, it's hidden behind those specs :nenau

I clicked the link and saw the picture, hence the question.
And I'm not talking about the bike either. :eek

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