

Registered user
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Islandmagee NORN-IRON
Has Jaythro returned yet from his trip to buy the side car outfit?
weather was absolutly shite. Anyone seen or heard of him. Last time i checked he had just left the airport. did he seek refuge in a tossers home on the mainland?
no noise yet!

Was wondering that myself, last I heard was on the phone Thursday night when he was like a 5 year old waiting for Santa! :D

tried his mobile just then and its switched off!
Hope he's OK:confused:
Im sure he's probably up to his oxters in grease sweat and blood by now out in his garage :aidan
tried his mobile just then and its switched off!
Hope he's OK:confused:
Im sure he's probably up to his oxters in grease sweat and blood by now out in his garage :aidan

He's home safe and sound now so :thumb2
had a few glitches on the way and weather was baltic! so im sure he'll post a report on here.
Well done Jay another side car off the streets of England:blast

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