MAG action on Buslane ban

Would you take part in a Ride to Rule demo? which route?

  • Northside (Blanchardstown)

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Southside (N11)

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Phoenix Park

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • Tallaght / Templeogue

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
In relation to the ongoing ban on motorcycles in Buslanes, MAG are organising a 'Ride to Rules Demonstration'. This will take place on Tuesday 7th October 2008, during morning rush hour traffic (for maximum effect).

It is planned that the Demonstration will commence from four separate locations (see Poll) and converge simultaneously in one central location at Merrion Square in Dublin City Centre.

The idea is for each of the four groups to contain 15-20 riders. These riders will travel along their designated route in mainstream traffic (ie,. Not in bus lanes) riding in single, staggered formation ,approximately one car length apart . It is envisioned that each rider will be equipped with high vis clothing with a slogan on rear.

As the Poll results come in, we will be posting further information and will arrange information meetings with all participants closer to the date.

MAG would be grateful for your support.

poll to follow.

see below for letters to and from the RSA.

MAG letter to RSA in Relation to Buslane Issue

Mr. Noel Brett
Chief Executive Officer
Road Safety Authority
Moy Valley Business Park,
Primrose Hill,
Dublin Road,
Co. Mayo.


Re: Motorcyclists and Bus Lanes

Dear Mr. Brett,

It was with surprise and no little anger that we read the headline article on Wednesday’s Irish Times motor supplement indicating that the RSA has decided to recommend to the Minister for Transport that motorcyclists should remain banned from bus lanes following the RSA’s commissioning of a report from the Transport Research Laboratory which apparently indicates that there is “little or no” safety benefit from allowing them to do so.

In the first place, we had understood from previous correspondence with your goodself that MAG Ireland would be at least afforded an opportunity to present our case to the RSA on the issue before any decision was made. As the only representative group for motorcyclists and moped riders in this country we have always felt that we should be involved as an essential stakeholder in any discussion process on this issue and it it all the more disappointing to note that not only are we not considered relevant as a stakeholder, but further that our opinions are obviously considered to be of no relevance at all in any such consultative process. If not us, then who?

With regard to the actual decision which you have apparently made, whilst obviously the essence of your brief is to consider issues such as bikers in bus lanes from a safety point of view, if the recommendations of the report are that there is little or no safety benefit to allowing motorcyclists into bus lanes, then conversely there is also no reason from a safety perspective to recommend that they should not be allowed into bus lanes. If the information quoted in the newspaper is correct, then it would appear that motorcyclists are essentially safety neutral on this issue. However, it is well nigh impossible for us to comment without sight of the report from the Transport Research Laboratory and we therefore ask you to release a copy

of the report to the Board of MAG Ireland for it’s consideration. Otherwise we will have no choice other than to request same under the FOI procedure. Perhaps you would also let us know how much the Irish Taxpayer paid for this report?

We note from our records that we wrote to you on the 11th of September last in this issue and in replying, you indicated that you would take the opinions of MAG Ireland on board before making any decision. Whilst the RSA is often happy to request other expertise from us it seems that on substantive issues such as this one, our opinion is ignored.

As you may be aware, many motorcyclists are outraged at the lack of consultation afforded to their community. As citizens, as taxpayers and lawful legitimate roadusers, we demand on our members behalf that our views should be taken into account.

Whilst safety is obviously one issue to be considered in this debate, MAG Ireland feels that the Minister, in his final decision making, should also consider other aspects which of necessity fall outside the brief of the RSA, these issues would include:-

1. Experience from other cities. Similar cities in the UK such as Bristol and Belfast have allowed motorcyclists to use bus lanes on a permanent basis and have reported significant improvement in accident rates. Have their experiences been taken into account in the RSA’s decision making?

2. Congestion. Dublin City Councils own traffic survey showed that motorcyclists were the only group to show a sigificant increase (30%) in commuting numbers. Many frustrated commuters are voting with their wallets by adopting the flexible, fuel efficient,and cheaper option of two wheels yet the relevant authorities appear to be choosing to ignore this fact.

3. Incomplete public transport infrastructure. The existing system of public transport simply does not often connect people between their homes and workplaces, or, if it does do so, it does not allow them the flexibility of moving employment to an alternative job location not served from their existing home address.

4. Points one and two above have generated a whole new breed of motorcyclists, many of whom use their two wheeled transport solely for commuting. Many of these do not feel safe in mixing in close proximity to cars and heavier vehicles. Whilst CBT will help in alleviating some of this, until CBT is introduced for all road users and the majority of road users are so trained (hence many years into the future) these risks will continue.

5. Perception. Whilst the report of the Transport Research Laboratory no doubt considers safety from a statistical point of view, we very much doubt that it has taken into account the perception of safety felt by motorcyclists. The feedback from our own members is that those who choose to use the bus lanes at present, knowing full well the risk of prosecution that same entails, do so because as vulnerable individuals they feel safer in the bus lane rather than mingling with cars and larger vehicles. Perception can be reality sometimes for those involved.

We therefore await, on behalf of the growing motorcycle community, your response on these isssues and ask you once again to let us have a copy of the report on which your decision appears to have been based. This issue and the report in Wednesday’s Irish Times has aroused considerable anger amongst motorcyclists and we will consider what further action may be taken by our organisation on receipt of your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Gearoid O’Byrne
Acting Chairman
MAG Ireland

Response from RSA

30th July 2008

Re Bus lanes and motorcycles

Dear Mr.Ó Byrne,

On behalf of Mr Gay Byrne Chairman of the road safety Authority and of Mr Noel Brett who is on leave at present I am responding to your letter of 24 July 2008 on the use of bus lanes by motorcyclists.

The report in the Irish Times of the 23 July is based on information obtained from the minutes of the Road Safety Authority Board meeting and not from the report prepared by the working group. The quotations used are those of the minutes and discussions by the Board on the matter. The report deals comprehensively with the rationale for not allowing motorcycles into bus lanes; as you would expect this takes account of the implications for all existing users of bus lanes.

The report of the Working Group is now with the Department of transport and awaits its consideration and final decision. Im advance of its deliberation I feel it would be inappropiate for the Road Safety Authority to make any comment at this time on the issue. I realise that you will find this frustrating but I would like you to get the chance to analyse the report in its entirety and I expect you will have that chance when the Department completes its work.

I am forwarding a copy of your letter to the Department so that it is aware of the issues you have raised.

Yours sincerely

Declan Naughton
Acting CEO
I’ve put myself down for the N11 (subject to availability, but should be OK:thumb).

From what I see in the morning, 70-80% of bike commuters on this route are BMWs:augie.

Not sure how much sympathy a load of Tossers on BMWs are going to get:o:nenau.


It should also have been pointed out to the RSA and the Department of Transport, that for approximately 6-7 years now motorcyclists have been legally sharing bus lanes in the following locations in Dublin

North Frederick St
Sth Great georges St(turning right)
Dawson st(turning left)
Pearse St(onto college Green)

Now if there had been any safety or inconvenience issues in relation to other road users with which they are sharing these area's we would have been promptly excluded....We have not, so therefore we are not a problem..
Now if there had been any safety or inconvenience issues in relation to other road users with which they are sharing these area's we would have been promptly excluded....We have not, so therefore we are not a problem..

See where you're going wrong there? You're talking sense. To the Dublin Transportation Office, this is heresey of the highest order. You'd be hung, drawn and quartered for that statement if they had their way.
FFS :spitfire

the RSA’s commissioning of a report from the Transport Research Laboratory which apparently indicates that there is “little or no” safety benefit from allowing them to do so.

Although I don't commute a lot on the bike, when I do, I use the bus lanes. Fcuk them. I'm not risking my neck any more than I have to. But if one of those a$$holes from either the Transport Research Laboratory or the RSA want to see how safe it is travelling outside the bus lane I'd be more than happy to show the dump fcuks the reality of the situation any morning they like. I have plenty of spare gear for anyone brave enough to be a pillion :D

But fair play to Mr.Naughton - in a couple of lines he managed not only to completely ignore the question regarding due consultation but also managed to save the RSA a few bob by not agreeing to send MAG a copy of the report :clap Written like a true civil servant - he'll go far :thumb2

Come hail, rain or shine I'll be at the Talla meeting point :thumb2

PS: What about bus lanes in the other cities ? We shouldn't be excluding our country brethren from showing their feelings just cos the RSA is based in Dublin IMHO.
What about bus lanes in the other cities ? We shouldn't be excluding our country brethren from showing their feelings just cos the RSA is based in Dublin IMHO.

No bus lanes in Tralee - there are lanes though :aidan

I'm not feeling excluded and do use the bus lanes when in Dublin. :mcgun

Mercifully that is rare but I guess that is merciful for you guys also. :augie

I moved away from the greater Dublin area in 1984 and am now an naturalised culchie. :rob

What is a bus anyway. :nenau
I have plenty of spare gear for anyone brave enough to be a pillion :D

Jaysus, they'd need bravery by the bagful to get up on the back of your GSA. :yikes :yikes

What is a bus anyway. :nenau

You'll have them down there soon enough Gerry. I believe there's a fleet of them above in north Dún na nGall. :augie
the wheels on the bus go.......

if anyone wants to organise the same demo outside of the Pale - MAG will give full support.
there's no intention of excluding our country cousins / just that the Dublin demo ends at the Dail / Merrion Sq. to maximise effect. :green gri

Jockser - excellent rant btw :D :thumb

ohhh.....and BUMP!
What about coming in the M4/N4 - The Galway road use to have a bus lane all the way from Lucan to the quays. If all the bikers commuting along this route were not to use the bus lanes I can see much longer tale backs than usual. & certanly it is not safe to try & filter through the traffic along here. There is a perfictly good bus lane going the entire way into the city centre (apart from the on going road works) with only an occasional bus passing through it. In my eyes it is, without question, much safer to use this Bus Lane rather than filter.

Keep spreading the word for a ride to rule :thumb2

M4 / N4;

no options are excluded - just trying to maximise effect. this required paring down the routes. if there was enough interest and it was not a route more prone to "conflict" with Other Road Users..... :nenau

ANYhow a more fundamental issue has come up;

Given the amount of discussion generated by this proposal to hold a Demonstration in October on the issue of the Buslane Ban (theres a lot of chatter on other sites),

do you think it's a good idea to have the Demo at all?

Could / would a kindly Mod adjust the poll or create a new one to give the options of

"Yes. i am for a buslane demo"

"no. i am against a buslane demo"

"i am undecided if it's a good idea or a bad one"

Thank you.
Og, is this still happening next Tuesday :nenau

Only, I'll need a bit of notice to get me hair done & wash the bike :D
no demo.

the feeling is that it wouldn't achieve anything at this time.

there has been.....much debate :augie on certain other Ireland based fora. :blast

no demo.
Bugger, was hoping for a morning spin, annoying the cage drivers :augie

Ogmios said:
there has been.....much debate :augie on certain other Ireland based fora. :blast

Sounds about right. We're all very good at talking about things here rather than doing them, aren't we :(
Bugger, was hoping for a morning spin, annoying the cage drivers :augie

~~ see that :mmmm thats my daily commute that is. :D
Sounds about right. We're all very good at talking about things here rather than doing them, aren't we :(
i dont actually mind that too much.
it's them that critique about the problems yet never offer solutions that grind me down. :(
oh - then theres the rumour mill :blast
i best shuddup now. :D

Some people, cant lead and wont follow.
So, effectively are.....
a roadblock. :rolleyes:

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