What's it all about?


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UKGSer Subscriber
Nov 17, 2005
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Valeilles, South West France
This is copied from the other thread to give an overall summary of what the whole Wee-kend is about.:)

I'm now heading off to Africa for next 2 months so please send any queries about the Wee-kend c/o Proff or anyone who attended last year.

Originally Posted by Explorer View Post
Dear Monsieur Crapaud,

I see you are advertising a Gentlemen's Weekend in Devon. Splendid.

Being an interested party, but unaware of the format and spirit of said event, I was wondering if you could kindly elaborate on what is involved? Jolly kind of you.

Pip, pip


Best I refer to Brassmonkey's recent picture set to show you:


Basically, its a fantastic social weekend for Airheads. The requirement is that its an aircooled four stroke boxer twin. Anything goes so we even allowed Tarka to bring his Urinal sidecar as it met the specs.

It is primary meant to be a workshop weekend. We have full facilities to do any work on any Airhead. We have the tools, equipment and most importantly the expertise at your disposal. It is not a simple "free service", you are supposed to do the work yourself but supervised by many Airhead gurus. Last year we had the greatest concentration of Airhead knowledge and experience every gathered together under one roof I think.

If you need parts or service items before hand, we have an arrangement with James Sherlocks (who are just down the road) to suppy everything we need in advance.

There is excellent food and drink laid on. Locally brewed beer and cider and food home cooked with all local Devon produce.

Despite even having a Scouser pressent, we operate on a complete trust basis, you just pay for whatever you consume based on your own honesty. The prices are kept keen (£2 per pint for the finest beer and cider) and any surplus at the end is donated to charity.

Camping is available free of charge with use of showers and toilets. Limited B&B accommodation is available nearby.

You can arrive anytime from the Thursday night and stay until Monday morning. Friday night is curry night and Saturday is BBQ with top quality local meats. As the pictures from last year show, it is also "party time".

We also have 12 acres of woodland for the more adventurous to play off-road either on GS, pogo or quad.

Campervans and cars with bikes on trailers behind are also welcome.

I think that covers it but please ask if you want any more detail.

Look under past events and that should give you a flavour of the event. I think everyone that attended last years event wants to come back for more.

Prices of Airheads will rise as this event approaches.
Of Course you can come Jamie :thumb2
As long as you ride or turn up with or on the requisite standard of Motorcycle..

Air cooled, Shaft Drive, Twin cylinder,,,, 2 or 3 wheeled...:thumb

IF NOT :augie

You've got 4 months to acquire one if you wish to attend :thumb2
Of Course you can come Jamie :thumb2
As long as you ride or turn up with or on the requisite standard of Motorcycle..

Air cooled, Shaft Drive, Twin cylinder,,,, 2 or 3 wheeled...:thumb

IF NOT :augie

You've got 4 months to acquire one if you wish to attend :thumb2

I don't think mine will be ready by then. I'll come on the 1100.
As long as you ride or turn up with or on the requisite standard of Motorcycle..

Air cooled, Shaft Drive, Twin cylinder,,,, 2 or 3 wheeled...:thumb

Might come on my Ural then - Tarka can teach me a few things if he is going to come.. :)
Would it be OK if I come down please, Proff -
camping - with R80GS & 15 year old boy on pillion (see both in attached photo)


( Wife generally lets me go where I like as long as boy with me - he's very good at kicking me in the night to stop me snoring ! )
erm...where is it exactly?

Between Torrington and Bideford, near Stibbs Cross, Devon...
Plenty of space for all airhead Tossers.....

Looks like the Sand school will be Wobblybox/ campervan parking again this year..

Loads of talking, loads of bollox...:rob:augie

This year it looks like Sids got all the plumbing sorted for Showers and Bogs :eek
Do you require an extra chef :-) I'll book one of the spare rooms, I think I may have left some stuff in martin's old room... as a marker :-) I'd getb the teain to Tiverton Parkway (Makes it feasable for a weekend visit as it halfs the train journeby time) Unless somneone is taking a [e-hem] car down from the Reading area and has a spare seat.

Simon, you're relegated to washing up !!
As you use every fecking pan in the house :blast even when you're only doing scrambled eggs for one :D:D
Hi all, new to the fold, so to speak.

Just been looking at the pics from last years wee-kend. looks like a good laugh!

As I said, new here and new to BMW's. Just purchased a 1200 GSA and would welcome a weekend away so whaty do I do to get a place? Who do I pay and how much?

Hi all, new to the fold, so to speak.

Just been looking at the pics from last years wee-kend. looks like a good laugh!

As I said, new here and new to BMW's. Just purchased a 1200 GSA and would welcome a weekend away so whaty do I do to get a place? Who do I pay and how much?


Part ex your 1200 for a superior airhead model..
the WeeKend is just for the old fart type bikes..
as it's mainly a workshop event..
UNLESS of course you already have an airhead as well as the inferior 1200..
Then just come along with the aforementioned airhead...........

No charges at all, you buy your own beer or cider from the barrels and curry is available on fri night for a reasonable price, BBQ Sat, same system...

OOOOO I do love a wind up :rob
As long as you ride or turn up with or on the requisite standard of Motorcycle..

Air cooled, Shaft Drive, Twin cylinder,,,, 2 or 3 wheeled...:thumb

IF NOT :augie

You've got 4 months to acquire one if you wish to attend :thumb2

Need an air cooled bike. I HAD to buy a Ural just to get my 'ticket' :)

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