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I have been giving this some thought for a while. I likes riding my bike and I likes diving and have always wanted to go to Norway. ;)
So in 2009 I am considering riding to Southern Norway, maybe August time:nenau somewhere round Kristiansand maybe? 2 days wreck diving then head back. The plan is very fluid at the moment. IE; I had an idea, that's it :blast

Now normally I would just go and do it but seeing as I went in the Italia trip this year which was very nicely organised by someone else I thought I should be polite and open it out and see if anybody else is interested. :mmmm

It may be that nothing will come of it but hey lets see if there is any interest.

Basic Rules
Divers need to be qualified to Bsac sports 35m or Padi equivalent. Cos I do not want to be limiting the dive to less than 20 meters.
I would recommend divers be nitrox qualified as I would like more than 15 minutes at the bottom as we are likely to go around the 30/35 meter mark.
The trip will take place over 2 weekends so we would possibly take an overnight ferry etc etc. We will be riding lots of miles so you need to be comfortable covering large distances potentially.
Diving kit could potentially be shipped out freight to Norway in advance as I have some connections in that area.

There you go. That is a sort of plan. If there is any interest then we can discuss when where how, permissions from wifes/husbands/sheep/ great aunt maude to go. If there is no interest I may just go to Egypt and do the Nothern Itinery again :thumb2
So let me know, we can come up with a plan and then offer it out to anybody to mull over.

Questions??? :confused::confused::confused:

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