Tea and Scones in Morocco


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Jul 24, 2008
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Well I awoke this morning to the sound of rain outside, by mid-morning it turned to hail and I jumped on my bike and went out smiling anyhow...whats my secret....why was I smiling you ask when the weather is getting bad and the economic climate even worse???

Cause its 20 degrees in Morocco and I leave on Thursday morning for the first time Yea Yea!!:clap:clap:clap

If anyone else is going to be there in the next couple of weeks and you fancy a wee chin wag with a fellow tosser over tea and scones then let me know and we can arrange a rendezvous :beer:

Bring on the sun :Motomartin
The weather in Morocco has been poor for the last few weeks with much rain and flooding. There's also been some sunshine but not that much.

I'm on my way back through Spain having just finished the 'Wet Boots Tour' and this morning's Spanish TV was showing flooding in Algeciras and Ceuta (again) and showing an area of low pressure over Morocco down as far south as Layoune, with rain in the Canaries.

25 deaths in Morocco over the last 2 weeks due to heavy rain.11 of them yesterday in Nador(north)and the forecast is none too good for the next few days.As Tim has said the weather here in Spain is very wet at the moment.
Myself and 2 others returned to Plymouth on the 22nd October after leaving on the 28th September. 3 days down through Spain each end of the trip and the remainder in Morocco down as far as Zegora.

We seemed to folllow the rain down but never met it, 3 weeks of sunshine with 15 mins of rain in Morocco and 15 mins of rain in Spain on the way back. Lucky some say or does the sun shine on the *****

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